If you click here, you will be taken to a choices page. This
page explains how being able to make choices is key in
learning and being motivated to learn. It also explains how
best to make choices and what the three big choices are that
we make that determine how easily and well we learn. The page
also indicates what enables the brain to experience both
pleasure and pain and how this can be used to ensure learning
takes place.
On Learning
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'hands on' page.
This page is about the importance of personal experience. It
explains how personal experience by providing concrete
examples and multy sensory input provides better understanding
and more persistent memory. It also explains that although
hands on learning would be impossible for all learning just a
small amount of story centered work improves all learning.
The Future
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'learning about
the future' page which provides information about how
knowledge of possible futures helps us prepare for whatever
future eventuates. It also is about how knowledge of the
future enables us to better guide ourselves toward a future
that is to our liking and in our interest. Finally is is about
how knowledge of possible futures enables us to be more
proficient in how and what we learn.
To Learn
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'meta learning'
page. This page explains how learning about how to learn makes
us proficient at learning. This covers building a box of
cognitive tools that are useful in praticing three types of
learning. How to form theories, testing them, reformulate
them, and accomidate them. How to create knowledge. How to
assimilate the knowledge collected by our forbears.
Where You Know
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'start' page. This
page provides information about how learning, like knowledge,
is built on whatever was known before. It is not about filling
the mind with new, complete, knowledge objects. It is instead
the restucturing of existing knowledge through a process of
accomodation and extention of existing knowledge by
assimilation. Learning only exists in terms of what we already
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'contageous' page.
This page provides information about how learning is dependent
on interlectual contagion and how social contagion functions
in producing desire in learning. This page also offers ideas
derived from social science investigation, as to how
information can be presented in such a way as to make it more
likely to cause interlectual contagion.
To Learn
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'teachlearn' page.
This page provides information about how teaching and learning
are connected in 3 ways. Learning as teaching is how learners
can learn by teaching others. It is a cooperative act
involving simultaneously teaching others and learning back
from them, and it is what a teacher can learn about how he is
improving others in their learning through what he is doing.
From Criticism
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'criticism' page.
This page provides information about how knowledge derives and
benifits from criticism, and how learning itself is refined
and improved by critical feedback. The philosopher Popper gave
us the understanding that criticism is the funcion through
which knowledge is expanded as each new contributor builds new
knowledge by amending what has gone before.
From Failure
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'failure' page.
This page provides information about how failure far from
being something to be feared is actuallt essential to the
process of learning. This page presents how to overcome fear
of failure and embrace failure as an essential and enjoyable
part of the learning process. Failure is presented as simply
an indication that current knowledge is inaccurate and that
learning is required.
& Competence
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'confidence' page.
This page provides information about how confidence in our
competence, and more especially our belief in our ability to
become competent in any area of knowledge, is essential to the
process and success of learning. This page is also about how
to cultivate this confidence in our ability to become
competent, so that learning can take place without self
defeating behavior.
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'fragile' page.
This page provides information about fragility of interest
when it first appears, and how best to encourage it, so
learning will be of widly ranging variety and not restricted
to closed off specialities. This page is about how learning
should not be about learning more and more about less and
less, but rather about learning more and more about more and
The World Works
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'world' page. This
page provides information about how learning works. It
considers knowledge as having three different aspects or
functions in the world. Firstly learning is considered as the
improving of a mental model of reality. Secondly learning is
considered as an act of creation where knowledge is brought
into existance. Thirdly learning is connsidered as updating
from our cultural legasy.
If you click here, you will be taken to the 'evaluation' page
that provides information about the perils of evaluation and
how evaluation can lower intrinsic motivation and destroy much
of the desire to learn. It further questions how much
evaluation is really needed and suggests how truly useful
evaluation could take place based on scientific research. It
can tell you how exams tests etc. can be made sensible and